The “Big Boy” is a call made with the same specs as the duck call Butch Richenback designed and made for David Starks, in which he used to win the 1985 Champion of Champions Duck Calling Championship.
David, 1981 and 1984 World Duck calling Champion, wanted a bigger call that the normal contest calls of that time. He wanted a call with a larger mouthpiece to help eliminate air leaking from the corners of his lips after contstant calling.
He also wanted a larger stopper so the call was eaiser to handle and his bigger than normal hands, didn’t smother the call. In the end he wanted a call with both a longer barrel and stopper, to give his call a different deeper ring on top and enough back pressure to produce soft raspy duck on the bottom.
The call fit him so well not only did he win the coveted Champion of Champions title that year, he also used the same call as a professional guide hunting for the following 32 years.