Turkey Chest Pack
Everything you need, nothing you don't! The Turkey Chest Pack has plenty of room for turkey calls, ammo and accessories in a tight, compact pack that is firmly fastened to your core, meaning less to weigh you down and more mobility when it counts.
- Fully adjustable, lightweight, compact design
- 3 mesh diaphragm pockets, an additional large web pocket and ample storage space for additional accessories
- External box call sleeve allows for quick and easy access to your turkey box call
- Integrated shell belt in rear storage holds up to 7 shot shells
- Rear storage contains 3 additional web pockets for pan calls, facemasks, gloves and additional gear
- External striker holsters allow for fast and easy access to change up the strikers on the fly
- Ideal for Run-n-Gun hunting
- Quiet magnetic closures offer fast and stealthy access to internal and external pockets
- Camo Color: Mossy Oak Obsession
Hunters Specialties Turkey Chest Pack