Work hard, play harder. The first Carhartt outdoor gear was released in the 1930s under the name Super Dux. This men's jacket continues the legacy, bringing technical outdoor features to our classic active jac. It blocks wind, shrugs off light rain, and has a soft Sherpa lining for warmth. The nylon is lighter and stronger than traditional duck fabric, giving it the durability and comfort for days on the move.
Engineered For Midrange Warmth in Moderately Cold Conditions - Gear with a rating of WARMER makes an ideal first-line of defense in cold weather. Delivering the extra warmth that comes in handy when there’s suddenly less daylight but always more to get done. That’s why our LEVEL 2 rated gear is built lighter and more flexible than more traditional heavyweight jackets, but it’s also Sherpa-lined and insulated for greater warmth and comfort.
Carhartt Super Dux Sherpa-Lined Active Jacket