Compare Higdon Standard Redhead Foam Filled Duck Decoys, 6 Pack Standard Foam-Filled Redheads Fat and Happy, these bright, extra-wide Redhead Decoys are sure to get noticed. Bright gray tones, natural looking rusty reds, rich earth-tones and golden highlights... $59.99 Sold out Add to Wishlist
Compare Higdon Foam Filled Floating Standard Goldeneye Decoys, 6 Pack Standard Goldeneyes Foam-Filled Drakes Bulletproof visibility is a staple with this pack of decoys. All drake goldeneyes will be sure to catch the attention of any divers flying over a spread with... $59.99 Add to Wishlist
Compare Higdon Magnum Mallard Foam Filled Drake Decoys with Flocked Heads, 6 Pack Magnum Mallard Foam-Filled Drakes Flocked Heads A staple in any decoys spread, the Higdon Outdoors Magnum Mallard has been a proven performer for duck hunters time and time again. Magnum decoys are... $99.99 Add to Wishlist
Save 23% Compare Higdon Foam Filled Magnum Mallards with Flocked Heads and 6-Slot Decoy Bag, 6 Pack Foam Filled Magnum Mallards with Flocked Heads and 6 Slot Bag Need to start a spread? Need to add to your spread and mobility? Look no further. These magnum mallards come with a premium slotted bag... $129.99 $99.99 Add to Wishlist
Compare Higdon Battleship Red Head Foam Filled Duck Decoys, 6 Pack Foam Filled Battleship Red Heads Huge, Detailed and Unsinkable. These super-oversize, wide-body Redhead decoys are sure to add a ton of natural detail to your Diver spread in big open water or tucked... $119.99 Add to Wishlist
Compare Higdon Battleship Goldeneye Foam Filled Drake Decoys, 6 Pack Floating Foam Filled Battleship Goldeneye Decoys, 6 Pack Bulletproof visibility is a staple with this pack of all-drake Goldeneye duck decoys. These decoys are giant, high contrast and unsinkable... $119.99 Add to Wishlist
Compare Higdon Battleship Canvasback Foam Filled Duck Decoys - 6 Pack Foam Filled Battleship Canvasbacks - 6 Pack These oversize Canvas Back decoys are large and in charge, making them impossible to miss. They're the best way to bag more Cans and other Diver Ducks in... $129.99 Sold out Add to Wishlist
Compare Higdon Magnum Full-Body Black Duck Decoys, Variety 6 Pack Magnum Black Duck Add some high contrast variety to your full body duck spread! These Magnum Black Duck decoys offer deep, rich, dark tones with sweet, natural highlights and highly detailed feather... $149.99 Add to Wishlist
Compare Higdon Magnum Full-Form Shell Mallards with Flocked Heads, 6 Pack Full-Form Magnum Mallards, Flocked Heads Portability. Durability. Spot-on coloring. These ultra lightweight, packable full body shells from Higdon fit the bill when it comes to open field mallard... $99.99 Add to Wishlist
Compare Higdon Foam Filled Floating Standard Canvasback Decoys, 6 Pack Foam Filled Floating Standard Canvasback Decoys, 6 Pack Higdon Outdoors is bringing the high visibility of the Canvasback to the standard line! These are a great addition to any spread and deliver... $59.99 Add to Wishlist
Compare Higdon 750 GPH Replacement Bilge Pump Replacement Bilge Pump Higdon Outdoors 750 GPH Replacement Bilge Pump is for the Higdon Swimmers and Pulsators. Works With These Item... $29.99 Add to Wishlist
Save 35% Compare Higdon XS TruFeeder Motion Alpha Goose Decoy Motion Alpha Goose Decoy Command Attention. Nothing can finish geese quicker and easier than a decoy spread that has natural movement. The XS TruFeeder Motion Decoy rocks up/down AND pivots... $199.99 $129.99 Sold out Add to Wishlist
Save 7% Compare Higdon Alpha Magnum Canada Goose Floater Foam Filled Decoys - 4 Pack Alpha Magnum Canada Goose Decoys - 4 Pack The most detailed and anatomically correct decoy available to hunters. The Alpha Goose floater has Higdon's proprietary rich color-scheme that 100%... $149.99 $139.99 Add to Wishlist
Compare Higdon Magnum Half Shell Canada Goose Decoys, 6 Pack Canada Magnum Half Shells Add maximum impact to your field spread with these over-size Canada Flocked Head Goose Shells. You'll love the convenience and looks of this heavy duty, field shell goose... $119.99 Add to Wishlist
Compare Higdon Heron Decoy Heron Decoy Herons are some of the wariest birds in the world and by utilizing a Heron decoy within your hunting setup will display much confidence towards approaching waterfowl. Herons are also very... $39.99 Add to Wishlist
Compare Higdon Tundra Swan Decoy 2 Pack Higdon Tundra Swan Decoy 2Pk Big, bold and noticeable. These Tundra Swan decoys add realism to your spread and offer great visibility from extreme distances. One-piece design is simple to set up... $99.99 Add to Wishlist
Compare Higdon Magnum Duck Butt Pintail Foam Filled Drake Decoys, 2 Pack Magnum Duck Butt Pintail Foam Filled Drake Decoys Add visibility and realism to any set-up with these Magnum Pintail Duck Butts. The illusion of actively feeding ducks is irresistible to even the... $29.99 Add to Wishlist
Compare Higdon Magnum Mallards Foam Filled Fully Flocked Decoys Magnum Fully Flocked Mallards A staple in any decoys spread, the Higdon Outdoors Magnum Mallard has been a proven performer for duck hunters time and time again. Magnum decoys are oversized, bright,... $149.99 Add to Wishlist