Compare Higdon 12v Lithium Battery for XS Motorized Decoys XS Battery 12v 2.5Ah Li-ion Replacement battery for all XS motion decoys. Higdon 12v Lithium Battery for XS Motorized Decoys $34.99 Sold out Add to Wishlist
Save 30% Compare Higdon XS Mallard Drake Pulsator/Swimmer Duck Decoy Combo XS Mallard Drake Pulsator/Swimmer Combo This unique combo includes the Higdon XS Mallard Drake Battleship Swimmer and the Higdon XS Mallard Drake 12V Pulsator. Mallard Drake XS Battleship... $329.99 $229.99 Sold out Add to Wishlist
Save 44% Compare Higdon XS Battleship Pintail Swimmer XS Battleship Swimmer Pintail - 12V Higdon's Swimmer decoys create the most realistic motion and ripple in your spread possible. Simply attach a decoy-cord and weight and drop into the water for a... $179.99 $99.99 Sold out Add to Wishlist
Save 24% Compare Higdon XS Pulsator Canada Goose Decoy XS Pulsator, Canada Goose Motorized Decoy No wind? No problem! No matter the condition, the XS Pulsator is the ticket to adding portable water motion to your spread. Simply attach a decoy-cord and... $169.99 $129.99 Sold out Add to Wishlist
Save 21% Compare Higdon XS Swimmer Canada Goose Decoy XS Swimmer Canada Goose Higdon's Swimmer decoys create the most realistic motion and ripple in your spread possible. Simply attach a decoy-cord and weight and drop into the water for a quick set-up... $189.99 $149.99 Sold out Add to Wishlist
Save 33% Compare Higdon XS Pulsator Mallard Hen Duck Decoy XS Pulsator, Mallard Hen Nothing is more alluring than a feeding hen mallard to even the highest pressured birds! No matter the condition, the XS Pulsator is the ticket to adding portable water... $149.99 $99.99 Sold out Add to Wishlist
Save 35% Compare Higdon XS Splashing Flasher Mallard Drake Decoy Mallard Drake XS Splashing Flasher Decoy It splashes, it flashes...all simultaneously. This combination of wing movement and water motion is deadly. Unit has a built-in digital timer that surges a... $199.99 $129.99 Sold out Add to Wishlist
Save 40% Compare Higdon XS Pulsator Motion Combo Pack - Mallard Drake/Drake XS Pulsator Motion Combo Pack - Mallard Drake/Drake Two Times the Motion! Add more motion to your spread with this Combo pack of the best selling on the water motion decoy…the Higdon XS... $299.99 $179.99 Sold out Add to Wishlist
Save 26% Compare Higdon 12 Volt Rechargeable Clip Type Battery 12 Volt Rechargeable 8 AMP Battery Battery can be used with any 12 volt system such as Pulsators, Feeders, Squawk Boxes, portable locators etc.. Features 12-volt, 8-amp battery Leakproof... $26.99 $19.99 Sold out Add to Wishlist
Compare Higdon Timer for all Flashers Timer for all Flashers Higdon XS Timer For Flashers (1.5on/4off/1.5on/10off). Timer #4 Replacement Part for 2016 and Prior Motion Decoy Parts for the Original Splashing Flasher... $29.99 Add to Wishlist
Compare Higdon XS Timer for All XS Swimmer Motion Decoys XS Swimmer Motion Decoy Timer XS Timer for XS Swimmer Motion Decoys. 4 on/10 off. Features XS Timer Higdon XS Timer for All XS Swimmer Motion Decoys $29.99 Sold out Add to Wishlist
Compare Higdon Full Size Snow Goose Foam Filled Floater Decoys, 4 Pack Full Size Snow Goose Foam Filled Floater Decoys Bright white paint, a perfect mix of Juvenile and Mature geese, combined with bulletproof durability make these Foam Filled Snow Goose Floaters an... $109.99 Add to Wishlist
Compare Higdon Magnum Specklebelly Goose Foam Filled Butt-Up Decoys, 2 Pack Magnum Specklebelly Butt-Up Decoys You will not find a goose butt that moves better in little wind and looks more lifelike than this. Add these decoys into your spread and create the look of actively... $49.99 Add to Wishlist
Compare Higdon Magnum Snow Goose Foam Filled Butt-Up Decoys, 2 Pack Magnum Snow Goose Butt-Up You will not find a goose butt that moves better in little wind and looks more lifelike than this. Add these decoys into your spread and create the look of actively feeding... $49.99 Add to Wishlist
Save 19% Compare Higdon Magnum Full-Body Mallard Decoys with Flocked Drake Heads, 6 Pack Magnum Full-Body Mallards, 6 Pack Our biggest, brightest, most realistic full body standing duck decoys! The Higdon Outdoors Magnum line of full body decoys is oversized and high contrast for... $159.99 $129.99 Add to Wishlist
Compare Higdon Receiver for 4 Channel Remote (6V - 12V) Remote Receiver for 4 Channel Remote The newest Higdon remote and receiver system is now available. This units effectiveness and overall versatility is unmatched making it a wireless mobile command... $34.99 Sold out Add to Wishlist
Compare Higdon Remote Control, 4 Channel (6V - 12V) Remote Control 4 Channel (6V-12V) The newest Higdon remote and receiver system is now available. This units effectiveness and overall versatility is unmatched making it a wireless mobile command... $24.99 Sold out Add to Wishlist
Compare Higdon Standard Shoveler Foam Filled Decoys, 6 Pack Standard Shoveler Foam Filled Decoys The Northern Shoveler can often be seen in shallow water setups, but rarely do you see Shoveler decoys out. This is quickly changing as waterfowlers are realizing... $59.99 Add to Wishlist